Events Coming Soon!

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Kindle Launch

May 5  Download onto Kindle for Free.  Sign up below for more details.

Conference Workshop

May 11  Crime Victim’s Rights Conference, Wichita, KS.  Workshop topic: Trauma Incited Shame

Conference Workshop

May 22 Women’s Economic Forum,  Albuquerque, NM.  Workshop topic: Women and Leadership Panelist

Paperback Launch

June 13  The Fog of Faith: Surviving My Impotent God  available at Amazon or special order through your local bookstore (ISBN# 978-0-9986474-2-5).

Reading and Signing

June 13  6 pm. Reading and Signing, Op Cit Bookstore at DeVargas Mall, Santa Fe

Reading and Signing

June 22  Reading and Signing, EMU, Harrisonburg, VA,   Women of Anabaptist Traditions


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